PostgreSQL Foreign Keys and References

2 min readJul 26, 2017


Few things in the world are more frustrating to a developer as when you push your code to Heroku, and it does not work. Why? Because you changed databases from SQLite3 to PostgreSQL.

While writing my latest Ruby on Rails application, I ran into this problem when trying to migrate my database on Heroku:

StandardError: An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:                                               PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR:  relation "departure_airports" does not exist     

: CREATE TABLE "flights" ("id" bigserial primary key, "departure_airport_id" bigint, "arrival_airport_id" bigint, "take_off" timestamp, "duration" time, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_b88a099d1c"

FOREIGN KEY ("departure_airport_id")
REFERENCES "departure_airports" ("id"),
CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_91bb366993"
FOREIGN KEY ("arrival_airport_id")
REFERENCES "arrival_airports" ("id"))

But… but.. everything was working locally using SQlite3. What’s the problem?

The problem lies within the migration file used for creating the relationships between the flight and airport models. This is what I had:

class CreateFlights < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] 
def change
create_table :flights do |t|
t.references :departure_airport, foreign_key: true
t.references :arrival_airport, foreign_key: true
t.datetime :take_off
t.time :duration

What’s the problem? The lines t.references

Great, we’ve found the problem. Now how do I fix it?

The good news is that this is easily fixed. Instead of using .references we will instead create the foreign keys and indexes ourselves.

To do this, we will change t.references to t.integer and change the column name from :departure_airport to :departure_airport_id

It is then necessary to add the foreign key and index to create the relationship within the database. We do this by adding

add_foreign_key :flights, :airports, column: :departure_airport_id
add_index :flights, :departure_airport_id

Repeat the same process for :arrival_airportto give us a final migration file of

class CreateFlights < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
create_table :flights do |t|
t.integer :departure_airport_id
t.integer :arrival_airport_id
t.datetime :take_off
t.time :duration
add_foreign_key :flights,
column: :departure_airport_id
add_index :flights, :departure_airport_id
add_foreign_key :flights,
column: :arrival_airport_id
add_index :flights, :arrival_airport_id

Push your new code to Heroku and your migrations should now work




Written by Andy

Web Developer, Marathon Runner, Coffee Drinker.

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